Friday 23 March 2018

SKCK / Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian

Cara Membuat SKCK secara langsung di Polsek.

Photo copy KTP 1 lembar,
Photo 4x6 Latar belakang merah 4 lembar,
Photo copy KK 1 lembar,
Siap kan juga photo copy Ijazah/Akta lahir 1 lembar.
Map merah 1 lembar
Pena tinta Hitam.
Ajukan Permohonan, nanti dikasih beberapa lembar kertas untuk diisi,
Biaya Rp. 30.000,-
Jam pengurusan SKCK,
Senin-jum'at 8:00 sampai 15:00
Sabtu 8:00 sampai 12:00

Thursday 22 March 2018

Surat Keterangan Kesehatan

Contoh Surat Keterangan Kesehatan dari Puskesmas.

Cara mengambilnya tidaklah sulit, anda cukup mendatangi puskesmas terdekat dikota anda, membayar uang sebesar Rp. 15.000 dikasir (saya di Batam) dan untuk waktu keluarnya surat keterangan kesehatan ini tidak sampai 10 menit jika tidak ada antrian didepan anda.

Daftar Riwayat Hidup

Silahkan diambil jika anda membutuhkannya.
Tinggal Print trus diisi.

Berbagi itu Indah ...
Berikut ini contoh data yang sudah diisi dan tinggal tanda tangan saja.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

How to make CV

Make CV is not hard as you thing, making CV will not making you stress.
Making CV is very very simple, You can find all kind of CV sample on this blog.

What is the first thing you need to make a CV ? Just follow this step and you done.

  1. Write your Biodata; Full Name, Place and date of birth, Age, Sex, Last Education, contact Number and your Last Address.
  2. Write your Education Story; Your first School until the last school include the name and address of your schools and the years that you finish it.
That's all what you need to write on your CV. But if you have any job experience, skill and other useful information it will be plus value for you. But you need to focus to give information that connect to the job you want to take. 

I Wish Good Luck for you to have a job.